I am currently a postdoc at Iowa State University working with Kristin Rozier.

Previously, I completed my PhD in Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Science Department, where I was advised by André Platzer. My thesis was on formalizing algorithms for real quantifier elimination.

Starting in Fall 2024, I will be an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Iowa, where I will be part of the Computational Logic Center.

My interests include formal verification and ways in which math (especially algebra) and computer science intersect. I am particularly interested in formally verifying algorithms with safety-critical applications.

I am looking to recruit Ph.D. students!  If you think you might be interested in working with me, please feel free to reach out.

My maiden name is Cordwell.

Selected Publications

An example matrix equation from: 

K. Cordwell, Y. K. Tan, and A. Platzer. A Verified Decision Procedure for Univariate Real Arithmetic with the BKR Algorithm, ITP 2021.

One of the experimental results from:

M. Scharager, K. Cordwell, S. Mitsch, and A. Platzer. Verified Quadratic Virtual Substitution for Real Arithmetic, FM 2021.

Part of the proof calculus for PdTL from: 

K. Cordwell and A. Platzer. Towards Physical Hybrid Systems, CADE 2019. 



Contact: kkosaian at iastate.edu 0000-0002-9336-6006
Office: Howe Hall, #2348 Google Scholar